Ms Natalie NG
Counselling Psychologist
吳小姐是註冊輔導心理學家,擁有心理治療經驗務超過10年並大力倡導促進兒童和青少年的心理健康。她在有特殊教育需要的兒童和青少年、抑鬱和焦慮以及育兒方面擁有豐富的經驗。吳小姐過往服務有不同嚴重程度的特殊教育需要青少年,並為多個私 人及公立教育機構的教職工和學生提供心理服務。她的專業領域包括個人成長、學習動機、壓力管理、情緒健康和原生家庭關係。除了臨床工作,吳小姐還為公眾、學校和政府提供培訓,以提高兒童、青少年及其父母的心理健康,應對香港高壓的學習環境。
Natalie is a registered Counselling Psychologist. She is a strong advocate in promoting psychological well-being in children and adolescents. She has provided counseling services for different populations for over 10 years. She has rich experiences in children and adolescents with special educational needs, depression and anxiety as well as in parenting. Notably, Natalie has worked in the field for years with adolescents with special educational needs of different severity and had conducted numerous in-school training and clinical consultation for staff and students in all levels of educational institutes. Her areas of specialty include personal growth, study motivation, stress management, emotional well-being, family of origin and family relationship. Apart from clinical work, Natalie has given training for public, schools and the government to enhance psychological well-being for children, adolescents and their parents to combat the highly stressful study environment in Hong Kong.